Illustration of a shopping cart in black, yellow, and blue.

Ecommerce requires extensive planning, whether you’re launching for the first time or upgrading an older platform. To make the most of your time and resources, consider ahead of time:

  • Who are your target customer segments?
  • What do they expect to see on your website?
  • Where else do they shop for your products?
  • What isn’t connected in your ecommerce ecosystem that should be?
  • What manual ecommerce processes could you automate?
  • How will your business scale in the future?
  • What impact could that have on your ecommerce site?

The value of a modern ecommerce website

The way your customers shop has shifted dramatically. They use more channels and shop more autonomously than ever before. And there are endless sites to choose from. You have very little time to give them what they need. If they can’t easily find it, they move on to your competitor.

That means you must know what they expect on your ecommerce website. You need the product data they want, written with the verbiage they use. You must deliver the collateral they need—from brochures to 360° videos to technical spec sheets and more.

The product information on your ecommerce website must be complete, accurate, and available at all times. Otherwise, you risk losing customers and weakening the strength of your brand.

Illustration of an ecommerce product page for a sofa. It includes color options in yellow, white, red, gray, and blue. It shows the price at $72.17. And various icons, numbers, and lines throughout the page represent the various elements of a product detail page.
Illustration with B2B at the center in a red circle. Outside that circle are various red icons on a black background. Red arrows point to and from the B2B circle to different people in the black background.

B2B ecommerce websites

Research shows that the B2B shopping experience has evolved greatly in recent years. B2B sales used to be primarily through catalogs and sales reps. Now, it’s more digital and self-guided. Customers often begin on the manufacturer’s website. But over time, they visit retailers, distributors, and marketplaces—multiple times. Today’s B2B buyer collects and evaluates product information until it’s time for them to buy.

Your B2B ecommerce website must be as helpful as your sales team. Maybe more. If your customers can’t find what they need on your site, they will bounce and go find it somewhere else.

It’s more important than ever to create an ecommerce experience that anticipates your customer use cases. Create mechanisms on your site for comparing products, saving lists, and bulk ordering. Personalize on-site experiences. Automate the flow of data between your ecommerce engine and your PIM, DAM, payment gateway, shipping providers, CRM, ERP, CMS, and more.

B2C ecommerce websites

The B2C shopper has always done it their way – but now they have more options. And your competitors are investing in modern ecommerce experiences. That means it’s time to raise the bar.

Your site must deliver the intuitive experience B2C customers are used to. If not, they’ll find another one that does. Your site needs an engaging design with intuitive function. Ample product content, including brochures, images, videos, and reviews. Flexible payment options. An easy shopping cart.

Your ecommerce website must deliver the information they expect at the exact time they expect it. If yours doesn’t do that, it’s time to modernize.

Illustration with B2B at the center in a blue circle. Outside that circle are various blue icons on a black background. Blue arrows point to and from the B2B circle to different people in the black background.

What you get with an ecommerce website

Black icon of a laptop computer with a rocket launching out of it.

MVP launch strategy

Prioritized action plan for an iterative launch of your ecommerce website

Black icon of a pencil and paper with shapes on it.

Impactful UX and UI

Strategy and design that anticipates user needs and exceeds expectations

Black icon of a web page with a shopping cart on it.

Ecommerce integrations

Connect your digital ecosystem and automate the flow of critical information

Black icon of a report with multiple types of graphs

Performance analytics

Plan for tracking metrics that matter, providing actionable insight for optimization

Prep your business for an ecommerce upgrade

Learn how Ntara helps you prepare upfront to ensure a successful ecommerce project.

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Image of a man in a blue shirt and glasses talking on the phone, smiling, with other people sitting in the background.