Illustration of two overlapping talk bubbles, one in black and one in red. At the intersection of the two bubbles is another illustration representing DAM software. The gray hexagon in the center represents DAM software and the yellow, blue, and red hexagons around it represent various types of digital assets.

Before you implement or upgrade your DAM software, you need a strategy. Ntara answers these questions (and more) through DAM consulting engagements.

  • What are your goals with DAM software?
  • What file types are you creating, storing and distributing?
  • What are your different use cases?
  • Who plays what role in digital asset management?
  • What works with your current digital asset management strategy? What doesn’t?

The value of DAM consulting

Legacy DAM processes work fine – until they don’t. Perhaps you had a DAM software that worked before, but your business grew and now your siloed processes can’t scale.

Maybe you launched new channels that have vastly different requirements. Maybe your teams waste too much time tracking down the “final” version of digital assets and resizing them for your downstream channels.

Whatever is disrupting your current processes, DAM software can help. But a successful DAM implementation requires proper planning.

To ensure your DAM implementation goes off without a hitch, consider your:

  • Organization
    You need executive support, internal technical expertise, and cross-departmental adoption.
  • Information
    Develop strategies for metadata, usage rights, and reporting to show your ROI.
  • Systems
    You need long-term plans for infrastructure, data security, and DAM adoption.
  • Processes
    Establish reliable systems for workflow, collaboration, governance, and enterprise integration
Illustration showing what someone should consider when planning a DAM implementation. Top left, a black circle labeled organization with people icons in blue, yellow, and red. Top right, a black circle labeled information with a white arrow pointing upward toward a blue dot and a yellow dotted line swerving behind it. Bottom right, a black circle labeled processes with a flow chart of blue and red boxes and yellow diamonds, all connected by white lines. Bottom left, a black circle labeled systems with a yellow clipboard icon and a blue circle with a black checkmark. All circles are connected by a black dotted-line circle.

Digital commerce leaders use DAM to grow their business. ​

Learn what 158 manufacturers & brands had to say about the role of PIM and DAM in digital commerce. 

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Illustration showing two people, a woman on the bottom left with black hair and a yellow shirt and a man on the bottom right in a black shirt with red hair. Above them are two overlapping talk bubbles, one in black and one in red. At the intersection of the two bubbles is another illustration representing DAM software. The gray hexagon in the center represents DAM software and the yellow, blue, and red hexagons around it represent various types of digital assets.

What is DAM consulting?

DAM consulting is a paid, strategic engagement that prepares your business for DAM. During a DAM consulting project, Ntara works with you to lay the groundwork needed for a successful implementation.

Through collaborative sessions, we become experts in your digital asset needs. We identify your DAM goals, your priorities, and your organization’s biggest pain points. We use our proven framework to evaluate top DAM software and help you decide which one fits your use case. And we help you develop an approach to metadata and taxonomy that satisfies your internal needs – and your channel needs.

After a DAM consulting engagement, you will have a roadmap for implementing DAM software. And once we launch your MVP, we work with you to assess and prioritize your next set of features.

What you get from a DAM consulting engagement

Black icon of a checklist

DAM business requirements

Documentation of what your organization needs and how DAM software should deliver

Black icon of a web page

DAM software selection

The right DAM platform for your organization satisfies your specific digital asset requirements

Black icon of with three boxes and an arrow above them, pointing from the first one to the last one

Integration diagram

Visualization of how DAM software will integrate with your current systems

Black icon showing three boxes. The one at the top is slightly left of center. The two other boxes are centered. A black line connects the three boxes.

Metadata and taxonomy model

Plan for tagging digital assets that accounts for industry, compliance, and regulatory standards

DAM implementation

Learn what happens after DAM consulting when we implement your DAM software.

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