Exciting news is in the air! Our own Zach Helbert has joined the elite ranks of inriver Champions. As a senior business analyst at Ntara, Zach’s accomplishment isn’t just a personal triumph — it’s a game-changer for our clients.

A remarkable achievement
Becoming an inriver Champion is an invite-only honor, with qualifications including deep inriver expertise and standing out as a PIM thought leader. This “think tank” consists of passionate developers and analysts who are trailblazers, pushing boundaries and helping shape the future of PIM.
Zach fits the bill, known for his outstanding client-focused contributions. He played a vital part in nine successful inriver PIM implementations — such as this “PIM rescue” that’s thriving six years later under his leadership. His contributions go beyond projects. He’s also a guiding voice, regularly participating in industry events and publishing insights on Ntara’s blog.
Discover another PIM success at SATCO, led by our inriver Champions.

Home to PIM trailblazers
With Zach’s appointment, Ntara is now home to three inriver Champions, joining the brilliant Dave Norvell and Jeremy Peterson. That’s more than any other inriver partner in North America!
The significance of this achievement goes beyond accolades. For our clients, this means unmatched access to inriver innovation and insights. Champions like Zach directly interact with the minds behind the inriver platform, tapping into a community with the power to impact software enhancements.
This marks Ntara’s second consecutive year adding an inriver Champion to its team. Amidst serving a portfolio of 20 PIM clients and counting, Ntara continues to lead the way.
Once again, congratulations to Zach Helbert, our new inriver Champion!
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